

-Pictures credit: Playtype, Kobenhavn V, Denmark-

 intro from the website:

"Playtype is an online type foundry established by the Copenhagen-based design agency, e-Types. Playtype
was created as a showcase of over 20 years of type design ranging from commissioned works to fonts
created out of pure passion and typographical heartache.
"The Playtype concept store was launched in conjunction with the revamp and redesign of Playtype.com. Located in Copenhagen’s Vesterbro, the store is the physical manifestation of the online shop – and then some. Created as a place to further our typographic practice, the store provides a street level entry to typography - it is a place to share our passion with the general public and a place where our designers can experiment with their craft outside of the studio. Aside from type, the store continuously features new editions and products created by e-Types alongside friends and colleagues in the design and art world."

look at those fonts, 
how lovely they are, oh! gosh!
it's gonna be a pop-up shop in Kobenhavn-Copenhagen!
nice!!! dont know if i'll have the chance to visit K again before leaving eu.

and i'm totally fascinated by how the zone in the city is named
it has Kobenhavn K, Kobenhavn V, Kobenhavn H and more i think!
which is super cool....well, in my opinion hahahaha.

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