
People said.....

-Totoro-by Studio Ghibli
-Yes, I like that night and I remembered it vividly, the night we sang out load on the huge concrete bricks+tube along with the music Pat played with violin, we sang and acted like what Totoro and Mei did in the cartoon, we pretended holding an umbrella, jumping and thinking that the trees will coming out from the ground.Yes, that was indeed a lovely night, we sang and we sang like we went back to childhood.-

Along the journey, there's always someone, some movies, some books or even just a moment that trigger your inner inner soul, stopped you from the daily routine and daily chaos i would say,
and makes you think, think bigger, think further, think beyond the boundary that you would never imagine.
which is good, 
you always need to pause a bit,
and then everything in your life becomes clearer.

I collect some sentences I like and post them here as a reminder.

-The following quotes are from Eat, Pray, Love, copied from IMDB-

Liz Gilbert: In the end, I've come to believe in something I call "The Physics of the Quest." A force in nature governed by laws as real as the laws of gravity. The rule of Quest Physics goes something like this: If you're brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting, which can be anything from your house to bitter, old resentments, and set out on a truth-seeking journey, either externally or internally, and if you are truly willing to regard everything that happens to you on that journey as a clue and if you accept everyone you meet along the way as a teacher and if you are prepared, most of all, to face and forgive some very difficult realities about yourself, then the truth will not be withheld from you. 
"追尋物理學"的原則如下:如果你夠勇敢,拋下一切熟悉和舒適的事物,展開一趟尋覓真相的旅程,無論於外在或內在,也確實願意將這趟旅程中,發生在你身上的一切視為線索,並將沿路認識的每個人當作老師,只要你準備好,更重要的是,就是面對和原諒...那些困擾你的現實困難,然後真相就離你不遠了。-from Eat, Pray, Love.

Liz Gilbert: Dear friends and loved ones: My birthday's coming up soon. If I were home, I'd be planning a stupid, expensive birthday party and you'd all be buying me gifts and bottles of wine. A cheaper, more lovely way to celebrate would be to make a donation to help a healer named Wayan Nuriyasih buy a house in Indonesia. She's a single mother. ln Bali, after a divorce, a woman gets nothing, not even her children. To gain custody of her daughter, Tutti, Wayan had to sell everything, even her bath mat, to pay for a lawyer. For years, they've moved from place to place. Each time, Wayan loses clientele and Tutti has to change schools. This little group of people in Bali have become my family. And we must take care of our families, wherever we find them. Today l saw Tutti playing with a blue tile she'd found in the road near a hotel construction site. She told me: Maybe if we have a house someday, it can have a pretty blue floor like this. When I was in Italy, I learned a word - It's "tutti" with double T, which in ltalian means "everybody." So that's the lesson, isn't it? When you set out in the world to help yourself, sometimes you end up helping Tutti.

Liz Gilbert: Maybe my life hasn't been so chaotic. It's just the world that is and the only real trap is getting attached to any of it. Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation.

 You should focus on trying to optimize what you can do with the skills and talents you’ve got.
The more you’re a lifelong learner, and the more intellectually curious you are, the bigger the base of potential you’ll have to build on when the opportunity presents itself.
It also makes you better at recognizing opportunity.

 (i didn't remember who said this)


"The details are not details. They make the product. The connections, the connections, the connections. It will in the end be these details that give the product its life."

- Charles Eames

Yes, and thank you

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