
Etsy Lab | Storytelling Workshop in DDW / Etsy的說故事工作坊在荷蘭設計週

Story telling workshop in Dutch Design Week!
Etsy的說故事工作坊在荷蘭設計週 [不好意思我直翻了]
想要找更貼切生動的詞彙 但卡住了...

This is the workshop held by Randy Hunt, Creative Director of Etsy, in Headquarter New York
telling you how to promote/sell/introduce your products to the audience.
Randy starts from the company introduction.
Etsy is the world's handmade marketplace
the products sold at Etsy website are mainly categorized into 3 sections, 
Vintage, Handmade and Supply
it has already been 6 years now since it started(2005) and more than 10 million members.
and more than 90%[can't remember the exact number, but for sure more than 90] of the total sales goes back to the maker/seller, so basically Etsy only takes a bit of it.
Etsy provides the platform for the makers/sellers
and it's a place that connect producer and consumers,
it's about craftsmanship, meaning behind the products, the story that the maker wants to say.
and to start your own business.
More than that, Etsy organizes lots of events to create the chance for spreading the words 
and  also have lots of programs that teach the maker how to sell the products and promote the brand.
I really like what Etsy is doing, so powerful, so lively and full of warmth :)))
and i really like this kind of independent makers/designers trying hard to make their products seen by the world. 

etsy是一個網路平台 提供手作人/設計師/藝術家賣它們的作品
它們在意的是手工的精神價值 背後的涵義 手作人想要說的故事

一些課程教導它們如何拍產品照 寫故事 控制預算 安排進度等等的
在官網上面也可以看到很多教學 可以下載來看看

我喜歡這種感覺 很多人齊心協力想要做好一件事

這股力量很大 很活生生 很溫暖

so here are a few images of the Etsy booth during Dutch Design Week this year.
✈some works made by Dutch Etsy makers, stools and cushion.
在展場裡etsy nl把很多荷蘭手作人的作品擺出來在展場中

✈Christmas tree made of wood

In the workshop, Randy mentioned the importance of telling the story to the audiences,
the story covers quite a wide range, including the process when you're making things, 
the brand, the story you had with other people, the item itself, and so on so on so on.
there are so many subjects that can be the topic of your story.

as for Design,
nowadays, design is not only designing the physical object, 
but also designing a kind of PLAN or a kind of PROCESS,
like what I've said before, 
Design thinking can be applied to soooo many things.
and for your story, the thinking process is the precious part as well as the making process.

 在說故事工作坊中 他提到說故事的重要性
那個故事 要怎麼說 才會讓人心動買你的東西呢?
故事可以是你做的東西的故事 過程中發生的事 過程中參與的人
跟你有互動的人 等等的

不再是單純的設計產品 可以是設計一種計畫
設計一種過程 很多東西都可以設計
只要有那個design thinking!!
因此 故事可以不單只是專注於產品本身

✈prints, lamp, ceramic....etc
印刷物 燈 還有陶瓷

✈origami i think

To begin with your story, 
you can start from the 5W1H, 
WHO- the story about you, or your target group, can also building a persona
WHAT-the object, or any other thing that's featuring in your shop
WHEN- events, time, activity
WHERE- local, international, place of origin,
WHY-the reasons behind, the motivation, and the design story
HOW-the process, the people you met, 

these can all be the great source for you to write the story!
and people might be more connected to your brand because the attractiveness of the story.

人: 你自己 參與的人 品牌的目標族群
物:什麼東西 什麼服務 任何你的販售的東西 即使是夢想
時:什麼時候發生 什麼樣的活動
地:從哪個地方來 素材 故事的發生地
如何:整個過程的發生 人事物

這麼一來 人們可能可以從故事中發現連結
✈jewelry and lamps

Randy and Elles

the conclusion written on the handout,
i would really like to share with everybody as you might find it useful as well
-Products with a story have more value to people
-Everything is a story
-Remember the basic part of a story
-Find story inspiration anywhere
-Create a sequel

在此跟大家分享 希望對大家有幫助 覺得有被啟發到!
[我直接翻譯了 翻得不是很好 要看原文請看上面]

✈Randy and us, yes, we were the only two participants that day, 
we were really happy and had a fruitful day.
Thank you very much Etsy!!!

參加活動時被拍到的照片  Randy與我還有橋安
當天的參加者只有我們兩個 但還是很開心的跟他聊天
那天是個豐收的一天 所以很迫不及待的想要分享給大家
希望有傳遞到重要的訊息 對大家都有幫助


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