
half month / 一半,月-------西瓜的初夏

很想要吃西瓜 所以自己用photoshop快速先做一塊讓眼睛吃一下
Summmmmmmmer!!! time for loooot of water melon!!!
really wanna have a slice of water melon, therefore i decided to "photoshop" one first, 
hahaha, enjoy :)

好好的並不困難 我紀錄的很認真

因為什麼都想紀錄 都不想錯過 也不想忘記
眼睛看到的 耳朵聽見的

但是"有調條理"的 對我來說一直是個很難的課題

包含文章的分類  標籤 還有日後想要回頭找檔案
[哎呀 我就是這樣跳來跳去的沒辦法]
常常一天吸收太多資訊 很難一天報告完畢阿!

po在facebook上的也是  如果直接用share photo的功能
檔案們好像很亂 在電腦裡面也很亂


所以我買了一雙叫做toms的鞋,一方面小碎花slip on鞋很符合ruru說走就走的調調XD,真正下定決心要買是因為看到toms的giving report,每買一雙鞋他們就會做一雙鞋給在非洲/拉丁美洲/印度等地方需要幫助的孩子,那些地方的孩子沒有鞋可以穿,所以常常有很多腳的疾病,一方面沒有鞋子也不能去學校上學,創辦人Blake[是的創辦人的名字不是tom]覺得教育才能改變孩子的一生,在一趟阿根廷之旅[所以品牌logo後面是阿根廷國旗配色]啟發了他這個鞋子的想法。
so i bought a pair of shoes called TOMS,when you buy one, the company will make and give one to the kids in need. Because lots of children in Africa/Latin America/India are suffering from foot illness,they can't attend school without shoes, but education might be the only chance to change their life. Therefore the founder, Blake, decided to establish this brand to help the children during his trip to Argentina.

drawing simply makes me relaxed.

give yourself some time when you need some time.

比利時的@Topo Copy的The Shelf Library好好 把zine放到架上之後 還拍了一張照寄到我信箱 ♥
Thanks Topo Copy for sending me an image with my zine on the Shelf Library, I really appreciate that :)

trying to organize tons of stuff in my room, what can't be get rid of is memory.

I think this is the reason why i like musicals sooooo much, detailed stage & costume design, express the story just within such a small space. Amazing actors/actress singing/acting live right in front of you!!!

想念一個個邊闖關又悠哉的下午,雖然已經是下午,還是要泡English Breakfast Tea來讓腦袋清醒清醒。
Missing a relaxed afternoon.Still need a cup of English Breakfast Tea even though it's already noon time. I think staying in the UK for a while does influence my drinking habit, tea especially♥

the Polaroid shot with the film from The Impossible Project, but now the picture is disappearing gradually. 
oh noooooo!!!!!!!
用The Impossible Project底片拍的拍立得照片,在柏林的The Impossible Project shop,但是現在影像正在逐漸消失!噢不!!以前古早的底片果然還是比較穩定,新的底片有很多問題阿其實~阿!如果有人知道為什麼會這樣 或是有什麼比較好的方法 請多多分享 不然照片都要慢慢消失了好可憐

[by 李大仁+稻盛和夫]

掰掰星期天,下禮拜見 :)
ready for tomorrow?! it's a brand new week again :)

[荷包拉的緊緊的 默默拿出像機拍照XD]
The British knows the way to market their country with the national flag very well.

another one that i likkkkkkke so much! the red bus!!!

一邊整理房間也一邊整理電腦裡的照片,好想念底片機agat 18 他永遠是最棒的半格機。拿著數位相機習慣一個景拍好幾張以防手震的我,也總算是有機會好好刪掉那些模糊不清的照片。[不然電腦硬碟很快就會滿惹]

[image credit: ChenKarlsson]
"Favorite Thing" Keep your favorite thing in the light. By Chen Karlsson / gotta get one of this one day, would be a great display of the things I have ♥
Chen Karlsson的''Favorite Thing''可以隨時換上你最喜歡的物件在裡面 ♥ [在台灣的話台北的放放堂可以買的到]

Have a lovely lovely weekend, with a young heart, enjoy :)

[image credit: Craft Central]
Craft Central opens its door for the opening of Clerkenwell Design Week. "Makers in Residence", you can see designer-makers LIVE demonstrating the process of making home decoration!!Amazing, isn't it!!
Craft Central配合今天盛大開展的Clerkenwell Design Week 在主櫥窗裡面請到創作者直接做現場示範 透過玻璃就可以看到他們剪剪縫縫黏黏喔!!![看到前同事坐在那邊示範好開心阿]

my zine on Bookartbookshop's page :)
zine出現在Bookartbookshop的網頁了 ♥

活著不多不少 幸福剛好夠用
活著其實很好 再吃一顆蘋果
/  謝謝五月天 :)

I've always been amazed by the good quality of the posters from Transport For London. This time- Columbia Road Flower Market, one of my favorite local market in East London :) p.s opens every Sunday.
一直都很欣賞倫敦交通的海報 例如最近的奧運海報 還有很多貼心的提醒等等的 都很好看 有時候還會加一些英式幽默在裡面/這張大海報是在宣傳倫敦的很多當地的市集 這是哥倫比亞路的花卉市集 每個星期天有 ♥

This is a book i really like, 
two girls taking pictures miles apart.
and then put it together, 
i think it's a very very lovely , romantic and cool way of documenting life
[image credit: 3191 miles apart]
[image credit: 3191 miles apart]
the website of one of the curator of this project

Book by its cover

Line & Shape