
Interview: J and B the shop in Columbia Road,East London / 東倫敦哥倫比亞路花卉市集上的溫暖小店

oki, the story goes like this, I was showing Joan around London when she visited me, and that day we went to Columbia Road. We walked into this lovely store and I immediately decided that I'm gonna write about this place, then I approach Buddug, who designs all the enamel pieces. Then we set a time on a weekday to do the interview properly, the day I went , it was Jessie who's taking care of the store, she was upcycling a vintage arm chair with new fabric. Below is what we've talked about, enjoy :-)

A little bit of the Welsh countryside in the city.

J&B The Shop is run by two independent makers originally from Snowdonia, rural North Wales. They create hand made and personalized jewellery, clothes and home ornaments inspired by traditional making methods. J&B is the combination of Jessie Chorley & Buddug Humphreys, starting from a stall in Broadway Market in 2005, they take lots of commision work from local people ever since and the name has been built up gradually by word of mouth. Then the stall is not big enough to showcase all their works, they found a place to rent on Columbia Road.