Craft Central, the place I’m doing my internship now. In Clerkenwell, London.
It’s an area full of design related stores, studios and agencies. Very nice area and I really really like it! So this is the window of the organization, this was an event called Made In Clerkenwell in the end of November. That day, all the designer makers and artist, they open their studio for people to enter, visit their studio, have a chance to purchase the things they made directly, which was also a good opportunity to have a short talk between the designers and the audience.
Craft Central是我現在實習的地方,位在倫敦東北一區,
很喜歡這個區域 以後下班都要去走走進行小探險!
認出他是老闆因為認出他穿的鞋子 跟他在報紙上面被採訪的是同一雙!!!!]